Thursday, January 23, 2014

StatWing Finding #7: Marriage & Sex

(Data source:

Romantic comedies would have you believe that nothing kills your sex life like getting married. Is there any truth to this punchline? Who's got the more lively sex life - the unattached single or the blissfully married?

If keeping your active sex life was your only reason to stay single, then fear no more because it looks like the average married person has sex more often than the average non-married person!

In Finding #6 Sex These Days, I posted a chart showing how frequently people had sex in the past year.  If you just focus that data on Heterosexual/Straight people and how often they're having sex, you get some interesting results. Here's a look at married vs. non-married (never married, divorced, separated, widowed):

There was a lot of sex being had in 2012. But if you set that year aside for a moment, around 20% of non-married people did not have any sex in the past year. Looking at the other extreme, 30% of people had sex 2+ times a week over the past year. 

Let's look at married folks now. Nearly everyone who's married had sex within the past year. That's encouraging; marriage doesn't seem to outright kill your sex life. With marriage comes a commitment and unlike non-married folks, you don't have to find a sexual partner, so it's not too surprising that the percentage of married people who had no sex at all (2%) is significantly lower than non-married folks (20%). However, look at the percentage of married people who had sex 2+ times a week in the past year - nearly 40% (compared to 30% for non-married). And around 60% of all married people surveyed have sex at least weekly (compared to ~45% of non-married).

So, not only does marriage not kill your sex life, it could improve it!

* The dataset was limited to people Ages 25-50 and people who identified with being Heterosexual/Straight.

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